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The student news site of William Fremd High School in Palatine, Illinois

The Viking Logue

The student news site of William Fremd High School in Palatine, Illinois

The Viking Logue

The student news site of William Fremd High School in Palatine, Illinois

The Viking Logue

Emily Kao

Emily Kao, Viking Voice Editor

Emily is a senior and an editor for Viking Voice. This is her fourth year as a member of Viking Logue and her second as an editor. She is also involved with HOSA and is an NHS officer. When she isn't recording interviews or editing videos, she can be found baking, crocheting, watching the same Disney movies over and over, or doing jigsaw puzzles.

All content by Emily Kao
Burj Khalifa-sized Asteroid set to skim Earth soon

Burj Khalifa-sized Asteroid set to skim Earth soon

Emily Kao, Contributing Writer
September 11, 2019
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Emily Kao